Advice to the new couples:
"It takes two…50% both ways…give and take. When things get tough, remember why you love him (her)…don't get hung up on the little things."
Both previously married and divorced, Nick and Amber met in January 2006 and were engaged on Christmas Day that same year. From her first marriage, Amber had Callie, a three-year-old who was born with Methylmalonia Acidemia, a rare metabolic disorder. Although she required special formulas and feeding methods, was in the hospital for weeks at a time, and she wasn't quite potty-trained, Nick took in both Amber and Callie in with open, loving arms. For their honeymoon, they took Callie to the national Institute of Health in Washington DC to learn more about how to keep Callie healthy, who thrived and was finally able to attend Hillsdale Elementary Special Needs Program.
In March 2009, Amber gave birth to Hudson who was born with a severe hearing loss. Overcome by confusion and frustration, the Madewells took Hudson to doctors who recommended Hudson be outfitted with cochlear implants. Having two children with special needs took its toll on Amber and Nick, but having faith in God and a loving family kept their spirits alive.
Unfortunately, on May 14, 2011 Callie's health took a turn for the worse. She was admitted to Saint Francis and was non-responsive. After spending the afternoon holding Callie, Amber and Nick (along with Callie's father) made the decision to remove Callie from life support.
It's been seven months, and they are still struggling with the loss of their most precious daughter, and somehow they still keep it together. They are pulling through with God's love, family, friends, and of course, Hudson. Amber and Nick are two loving, unselfish people who would do anything for anyone. As with Callie, they gave their heart and soul to her and loved her with all of their being. "Callie changed our lives and brought us together," said Amber. "If it wasn't for her, I don't know where we'd be."